How to participate?

If you are a student and you are the first author of an accepted paper, your paper will be automatically considered as a candidate for the best student paper award. Please make sure that you appear as student in the CMS system when your paper is accepted.


  1. The TPC Chairs will propose a short-listed candidates based on the received reviews.
  2. A poster session (with the pre-selected candidates) will take place before the Welcome Reception (Monday – time to be confirmed). The pre-selected candidates will be informed in due time.
  3. A committee of experts will evaluate the short-listed candidates based on:
    1. Paper (novelty, impact, quality, presentation)
    2. Poster presentation (student shall present)
  4. A maximum of 3 awards will be given.
  5. The awards will be announced in the Awards Ceremony (Monday evening)


For further information, pleas contact the ICASSP Student Program chairs: Martin Haardt, Raed Shubair and Eva Lagunas at

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